Thank you for re-electing me at the 2024 General Election. My MP website is here.

My priorities

NHS appointments when you need them

Thanks to years of underfunding by the Conservatives, over 80,000 people in Notts are waiting for NHS treatment. Labour will invest in NHS staff, cut waiting times and tackle the crisis in mental health services. I will always fight for a well-funded, publicly-run NHS free at the point of use.

Helping all children to thrive

Under the Conservatives, child poverty has reached record levels. One in three children in Nottingham East are growing up in poverty, while many struggle with their mental health. Labour will provide free breakfast clubs in primary schools and improve wellbeing support. I believe in decent pay and a benefits system that gives families the assistance they need, and will push whichever party is in government to deliver on this.

Lower energy bills, warmer homes and protection for our climate

Too many Nottingham households couldn’t afford to heat their homes properly last winter. I will work with a Labour government to bring down bills and tackle the climate crisis through switching to cleaner, cheaper energy and insulating draughty homes, while creating decent green jobs in our city.

Affordable housing

We are living through a housing crisis, with homelessness soaring, unaffordable rents, and young people stuck in their childhood bedrooms. I support Labour’s plans to build more homes, and I will push for far more council housing to be built in particular. I will continue to champion the strengthening of renters rights, an end to no-fault evictions, and controlling rent rises.

Proper funding for our crumbling council

Councils across the country are on their knees, with Nottingham City Council in a particularly dire situation, after 14 years of Conservative cuts. This situation cannot continue. I will fight for more funding for our council to provide the local services our community desperately needs, from libraries, to youth centres, to support for the arts.

Unity in the face of division

The Tories and right-wing media outlets are attempting to stoke division for their own benefit. I believe that we are all stronger when we stand together and leave no one behind. I’ll never scapegoat migrants and refugees, people of colour, disabled people or the LGBTQ+ community – I will fight for their rights.

After 14 years of Tory vandalism, it’s time to get them out. Vote Nadia Whittome on 4th July.